Through her eyes:

It's hard to believe that we're now in our third day at home- school cancelled again, and the three of us bouncing around like pinballs inside these walls. Don't get me wrong...there's been plenty of outside time- including 3 trips to the school for sledding on the aptly named Shouting Hill. A little ironic, is it not, that while the school is closed for hazardous road conditions, each day of the closure finds a whole host of families on campus, taking advantage of the sledding hill? (Which, I might add, is just one of the thrills that a 400+ acre campus affords us.)

Last night, in one of my many attempts to ward off the 'stir crazies' that threaten to descend and take hold at any moment, I set Ella loose around the house with our Canon point-n-shoot. If her current obsession with the camera is any indication of things to come, she may end up making her living as a photographer, just like mama!
I enjoyed viewing our cozy little home through her eyes last night, and tend to think we could all benefit from trying to view things through our children's eyes and perspective more often than we do. Anyway, I thought I'd share the view around our little "igloo" as it looks from 3 feet 7 1/2 inches high:
Chalkboard Art:

Daddy's Inbox: (please disregard all the dust!)

Coat Closet:

Bits & Baubles:

Snuggle Spot:

Birds of Prey:

What's for dinner?

Look Up, Look Down:

Look All Around:



These last two are my favorites.
Not only did she catch her feet inadvertently in this picture, but in doing so she composed a shot reminiscent of some of my favorites out there on the web: (thanks, Stine!)

It took me awhile to figure out just what this one was. But ultimately, that's what I like most about it- it's dreamy, indecipherable "under water" quality.

Thanks for taking a peek! How about you? Any budding little artists running around your home? Care to share their most recent projects? How are you keeping the kids occupied inside during this record-breaking snowfall? (And if you're outside the reach of these crazy blizzards and icy roads, please, I beg of you, don't tell me! ::inserting fingers into ears:: )
I love these; they're great... I'd write more but some one is begging me to take her outside....
i love these! haha... she is quite talented for her age too, mama.. she must be taking after you!
i especially loved the one of robert in his long johns.. hahahahahah... :)
it snowed only for a brief time here last night in mississippi.... it's all melted and gone now. :(
love y'all- wish i could hug your neck!
Do you remember when I did the same thing with Ella a few years ago, and one of the resulting masterpieces is one that has come to be known as "Nashy's Bum?"
By the way, Dad and I LOVE the photos you took, as well! The first one of Ella with the snowflakes in her lashes - WOW!
Mom Lauren, wow, you have one talented group of people in your house, don't you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the snow pictures and Ella's eye for photography! :) And thanks for the shout-out on the feet pics :) Love you.
The snow in the eye lashes is to die for!
Great pictures! I am so happy you are updating your blog more often(this is momtobri from GCM). I've missed you over at GCM.
What kind of camera do you use? I just joined clickin moms and have become obsessed with photography. I really want to upgrade my camera. I hope all is well :)
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